Your search returned 2380 results.

Advocacy for mental health / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: XIII, 54 p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [613.8 OMS ADV] (1).

Organization of services for mental health / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: XIII, 74 p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [613.8 OMS ORG] (1).

Quality improvement for mental health / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: XIII, 74 p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [613.8 OMS QUA] (1).

Primary health care : from theory to action : report on a WHO Symposium : Kuopio, Finland, 30 November - 3 December 1981 / OMSPublication: Copenhagen : Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 1982Description: [3], 29 p. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS PRI] (1).

The world health report : 2003=2003 : shaping the future / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: 193 p. : fig. ; 26 cmAvailability:

The world health report [PDF] : 2003=2003 : shaping the future / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: 181 fls. : fig. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS WOR] (1).

The burden of musculosketetal conditions at the start of the new millennium : report of a WHO Scientific Group / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: X, 218 p. : fig. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS BUR] (1).

Une seléction de recommandations pratiques relatives à l'utilisation des méthodes contraceptives / OMS. Santé et Recherche Génésiques - SHR. Santé Familiale et CommunautairePublication: Genève : OMS, 2003Description: pág. var. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [392.001 OMS SEL] (1).

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: X, 384 p. : il. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [362.11/13.005 OMS MAN] (1).

Monica : monograph and multimedia sourcebook : world's largest study of heart disease, stroke, risk factors, and population trends : 1979-2002 : the WHO Monica project / OMS ; edited by Hugh Tunstall-PedoePublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: XIX, 244 p. : il. color. ; 30 cm + Em bolsa no verso da contracapa 2 CD-ROMs parts 1 and 2Availability:

Climate change and human health : risks and responses : summary / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: 37 p. : fig. color. ; 21 x 25 cmAvailability:

Innovative care for chronic conditions : building blocks for action : global report / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2002Description: 99 p. : il. ; 26 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [61 OMS INN] (1).

25 questions & answers on health & human rights / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2002Description: 32 p. : il. color. ; 30 cmAvailability:

Evaluation of certain veterinary drug residues in food : sixtieth report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: V, 59 p. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [613.2 OMS EVA] (1).

Les soins de longue durée à domicile : rapport d'un Groupe d'étude de l'OMS / OMSPublication: Genève : OMS, 2003Description: V, 47 p. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [362.11/13.008 OMS SOI] (1).

Surgical care at the district hospital / OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: pag. var. : il. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [362.11/13.001 OMS SUR] (1).

WHO framework convention on tobacco control [PDF] / World Health Assembly ; patroc. OMSPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: 26 fls. ; 30 cmAvailability:

The right to health / OMS ; ilust. Helena Nygren-Krug, Jenny Cook, Mohamed AouamriPublication: Geneva : WHO, 2002Description: 16 p. : profusamente ilustrado ; 21 cmAvailability:

Terrorist threats to food : guidance for establishing and strengthening prevention and response systems / OMSPublication: Geneva : Food Safety Development. WHO, 2002Description: [4], 46 p. : fig. ; 30 cmAvailability:

A saúde dos adolescentes portugueses : quatro anos depois : relatório português do estudo HBSC 2002 / coord. Margarida Gaspar de Matos... [et al.] ; patroc. OMSPublication: Lisboa : Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, 2003Description: 561 p. : il. color. ; 30 cmAvailability:


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