Portugal health system : performance assessment / OMS. Regional Office for Europe Publication: Copenhagen : Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 2010Description: 71 p. :
il. ;
26 cm.Availability: Items available for loan: [362.11/13.008 OMS POR] (1).
The world health report : 2003=2003 : shaping the future / OMS Publication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: 193 p. :
fig. ;
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The world health report [PDF] : 2003=2003 : shaping the future / OMS Publication: Geneva : WHO, 2003Description: 181 fls. :
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30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS WOR] (1).
Warsaw declaration for a tobacco-free Europe : WHO European Ministerial Conference for a Tobacco-free Europe : Warsaw, 18-19 February 2002 / OMS Publication: Copenhagen : Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 2002Description: 3 p. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS WAR] (1).
The world health report : 2002=2002 : reducing risks, promoting healthy life / OMS Publication: Geneva : WHO, 2002Description: XX, 248 p. :
fig. ;
26 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS WOR] (1).
Investment for health appraisal in Malta : working document : report of an Expert Group from the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Committee for Health Promotion Development / OMS Publication: Copenhagen : Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 2001Description: 33 p. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [362.11/13.008 OMS INV] (1).
Health promotion glossary / OMS Publication: Geneva : WHO, 1998Description: 24 fls. :
il. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [03 OMS HEA] (2).
Foodborne disease : a focus for health education / OMS Publication: Geneva : WHO, 2000Description: XIII, 198 p. :
fig. ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [613.2 OMS FOO] (1).
The evidence of health promotion effectiveness : shaping public health in a New Europe : a report / by the OMS. International Union for Health Promotion and Education-IUHPE, The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO. Department of Health Promotion, Social Change and Mental Health Cluster ; ed. lit. European Commission Publication: Brussels, Luxembourg : ECSC-EC-EAEC, 1999Description: 2 vol. ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [614 OMS EVI] (4).
Therapeutic patient education : continuing education programmes for health care providers in the field of prevention of chronic diseases : report of a WHO working group : 11-14 June 1997 / OMS Publication: Copenhagen : Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 1998Description: 77 p. ;
26 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [37 OMS THE] (1).
Rapid assessment of nutrition : training courses and research projects in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States / OMS. Regional Office for Europe. Nutrition ; coord. Eric Poortvliet Publication: Copenhagen : Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 1996Description: 22 p. :
il. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [613.2 OMS RAP] (1).